Looking for Fellow Filmmakers Interested in Innovative and Experimental Directing!

2024년 09월 21일 18시 36분 03초 181572 2

Hello! I am an aspiring film director passionate about movies and exploring new methods of directing. I’m looking for like-minded individuals who are eager to delve into deeper cinematic understanding and creative storytelling.


🎥 Recruitment Fields


Screenwriters: Those interested in developing creative and experimental narratives.

Directors: Individuals eager to explore unique and original directing techniques.

Cinematographers & Crew: Those who value visual expression and want to experiment with new shooting methods.


🎬 What We Aim For


Creative and experimental filmmaking that breaks away from traditional boundaries.

• Regular meetings for scriptwriting, directing planning, and actual filming and production.


🤝 Who We’re Looking For


• Individuals with a deep understanding and passion for film.

• Those who are not afraid to take on experimental approaches and new challenges.

• Open-minded collaborators who are willing to support and develop each other’s work.


📅 Project Plan


1. First Meeting: Share thoughts and cinematic perspectives, discuss the direction of the collective. (Location: Gangnam, Seoul)

2. Script Development: Evolve story ideas based on individual contributions and develop scripts together.

3. Directing & Production Preparation: Solidify directing concepts and prepare for the actual production process.

4. Filming & Production: Conduct regular shoots and carry out post-production.


💬 How to Apply


Please fill out the application form through the link below, providing a brief introduction, your thoughts on film, and the area you’re interested in. We look forward to creating innovative and challenging projects with passionate and creative collaborators!


[Application Form Link]

* 총 게시글 수 : 2
* 총 댓글 수 : 1
* 추천받은 게시글 개수 : 0
* 추천받은 댓글 개수 : 0
2024년 09월 21일 가입
2 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
2024.09.29 22:21
영어를 할줄 알아야 되나요?
창작을 주로하며 저만의 독창적인 작품을
만들었고 만들고 있는 작가 감독입니다
2024.10.04 01:56
안녕하세요. 영어 무관합니다. 구글 폼 작성 부탁 드릴게요! 감사합니다 ☺️
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