Looking for native English speakers who can speak American English to work as guests on my YouTube channel!

Spongymanager 2025.01.17 16:57:42 제작: Spongy 작품제목: Easy English videos 감독: Spongy manager 배역: Vlogger or Q&A interviewee 촬영기간: 2월~3월 출연료: 모집인원: 5 모집성별: 여자 담당자: 전화번호: 이메일: spongymanager@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2025-02-28

I am looking for native English speakers who can speak American English to work as guests on my YouTube channel!

I will create a YouTube channel that provides fun content in easy English for English learners in Korea.


1. What kind of content we will create

It will be just a casual Vlog in easy English. You will film yourself talking alone for 10 minutes once a week. Just share your daily life. I will give you a list of some questions and you will answer them. You can do it anywhere and anytime you want with your mobile phone. If you film a video and send it to me, I will edit and upload it on the channel.


2. How much you will get paid

We are going to negotiate how much you will get paid per video. I cannot pay more than 30,000 won in appearance fees per video right now because I have to experiment with the content and establish the concept in the beginning. But you will take 50% of all revenue generated from all the videos in which you appear. And you can use all of them to promote yourself on other platforms.