London Filmmaker Seeking Extras in Seoul for a British Independent Film

WilliamNotThePrince 2024.12.02 17:25:14 제작: William North 작품제목: 'The Way She Shines Her Light' [Tentative Title] 감독: William North 배역: Male/Female age 18+ 촬영기간: 1 session on Monday 9th December 10:30am - 12pm 출연료: 모집인원: 10 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: William North - Director/Producer/Writer 전화번호: 70-1558-1913 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2024-12-09



I'm a filmmaker based in London, however, I am currently in Seoul and I need some extras for a scene I am filming.


The role of extras will be people attending an art gallery, it will be quite a fast shoot as I am only able to use the location for a few hours on Monday 9th.


Unfortunately, I can't pay you, however, I can cover your expenses and also I will add your name to the credits.