Music video shoot looking for crew 24-26May

Kath Kath
2024년 05월 18일 02시 33분 01초 24584 2

Hi we are an international startup label and produce a music video with a korean rapper next weekend, 24-26th of May. 
We are still looking for Crewmembers to support us with Lights, Script/Continuity, BTS and Director assistance.
We always have a lot of fun on our sets and have some amazing people on board who can share experiences.
We are open also for beginners, who want to try out a set experience. Set language is english, but we also speak korean. ㄷㄷㄷㄷ
Feel free to reach out to our director Ti on insta: kath_tvp or kakao ID: tv.
We will shoot 24th only in the evening, 25th and 26th on the days. 
For more infos, contact us!
Thank you!

* 총 게시글 수 : 2
* 총 댓글 수 : 0
* 추천받은 게시글 개수 : 0
* 추천받은 댓글 개수 : 0
2022년 04월 12일 가입
Regards from the girl who will be the first German Kdrama director in Korea!
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