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westren actress in South Korea - where to go, who to contact?

Karola Karola
2022년 08월 18일 05시 47분 50초 10897

I am Karolina, a polish actress currently living in the EU and working for the BBC. For the past 5 years, I have been living in New York, where I finished acting school and worked as an actress. Since the trip to Korea is my present for my 30th birthday, and my dream is to spend a day on a film set in Korea, I am also happy to collaborate on different nonprofit projects. Knowing the visa situation and employment process for international artists in Korea, I will be glad to cooperate as a nonprofit, or I can sign NDA that I will not be paid for it. I am coming on the 17th of October for a few weeks. If you know of any opportunities, please let me know. 

Portofilo upon request :) 

Thanks, Karolina


I am Karolina, a Polish actress/PA who recently moved to South Korea.


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