스탭모집 : 행사/이벤트
1,717 개

각 구인광고에 대한 신뢰도는 회원 각자가 판단할 몫입니다만, 사기,과장,허위 광고를 조심하시기 권합니다.
분명한 프로젝트나 회사가 아니면 경계하시는게 좋습니다.

연극 대본 리딩에 참여하실 분 구합니다^^

2017년 01월 21일 15시 34분 20초 675
제작 Kat Chamberlain 
작품 제목 노민호 and Julie in Seoul 
감독 Kat Chamberlain 
모집분야 녹음, 기타 


노민호 and Julie in Seoul - ​An English & Korean play reading Free Anywhere Theater Project​: 


1. Making plays for free: no budget, no pay, no admission. 
2. Showing plays anywhere: living room, cafe, park, any free space. 


We’re two artists putting on a free, 20 minute PLAY READING, with 4 actors on 4 chairs reading from the script. This is NOT a full play production. It’s a romantic comedy inspired by Romeo and Juliet ​ , but not the original play. The audience size: 5 to 20 people. The plot: She is American, he is Korean. Will their love story have a happy ending in modern day Seoul? 


Seeking actors for the reading: 




노민호​: Male, 18-25, Korean (reading Korean and English lines) 


Julie​: Female, 18-25, American, can be a Korean actor reading as American (reading Korean and English lines) 


Mr. ​노​: 노민호’s father, Korean (reading Korean lines) 


Mrs. Park​: Julie’s father (reading English lines) 


Performance dates for the reading: 
Jan. 22, 4 pm (2 pm practice): ​at a home livingroom. Hongdae area. 


Jan. 25, 8 pm (5 pm practice): ​at Talking Spoon (World Culture Open Korea), part of the Flow Session Vegan Party. Near City Hall Station. If interested, please contact ASAP, with your phone number and Kakao ID, and email Kat at: stayandhear@gmail.com 


Kat has reviewed and produced indie theater in New York. 


Sample lines: 


노민호: What would you like to eat? 


Julie: Oh, I forgot to mention, I’m a vegan. I know how to say this... 완전 채식주의 자? 


노민호: Wow. Your Korean sounds great! But you mean… you don’t eat meat?


Julie: Or eggs, milk products, honey. Anything from animals, actually.


노민호: (Quickly search the menu) Oh my god, and I brought you to a Korean BBQ!

* 총 게시글 수 : 3
* 총 댓글 수 : 0
* 추천받은 게시글 개수 : 0
* 추천받은 댓글 개수 : 0
2017년 01월 09일 가입
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