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Career Opportunity in Japan for Video Editors!!

Makishi Makishi
2024년 02월 14일 11시 51분 16초 1198

Hello Network!! 

There is an great opportunity for a Video Editor at a Global Streaming Company in Japan!! 

If you are intersted to live in Japan and work with a BIG Entertainment company, please let me know!


You can see the Job Description here! 



Job Summary

Video Editor, Korean Native Speaker



- Video Editing, with understanding of animation 

- "Remix" broadcast and online videos into creative short-form social videos

- Will work on; trailers, commercials, cinematics, b-roll, sizzle reels, etc. 

- Post-Production: Sound mixing




- Video Editor with 5+ years of experience in creating short form promos , sports sizzles, and trailer

- Language skills: Native Korean and Business English (Japanese is a plus)

- Must work in Premiere, with understanding of After effects templates as part of the edit tool.

- Able to "remix" broadcast and online videos into creative short-form social videos. 

- Experienced in Video editing and Post-Production

* 총 게시글 수 : 2
* 총 댓글 수 : 3
* 추천받은 게시글 개수 : 0
* 추천받은 댓글 개수 : 0
2024년 02월 14일 가입
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