We need a guitarist to appear in the band scene for about 30 seconds.

woody_dnel 2020.06.26 06:00:49 제작: 엠아이 뮤직 작품 제목: 뮤직비디오 감독: 추후 공지 극중배역: 기타를 연주하는 외국인 촬영기간: 7월 2일 하루 출연료: 작품당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 모집인원: 2명 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 연출팀 유승헌 전화: 010-9759-5882 이메일: oldbumpy@icloud.com 모집 마감일: 2020-06-29



Hello, I'm Woody, the music video production team.

It's a Korean hip-hop music video.
It's a small scale, of course.

We need a guitarist to appear in the band scene for about 30 seconds.

The scheduled time for shooting is July 2nd, 22:00 to 01:00.

The place is Yangju-si, Gyunggi-do.

The pay I can give you is 150,000 won.
(I'd like to give you more, but I'm in a bad situation.)


Please contact me via email and text message.

Thank you.