Foreign model male &women in 20s -30s (hair perfume)

reesang 2024.06.25 21:01:01 제작: 시차 작품 제목: 20~30대 외국인 남성여성 광고 (헤어향수) 감독: 미정 극중배역: 미정 촬영기간: 다음주중 출연료: 회차당 50만원~ 100만원 협의 모집인원: 각2명 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 전화: 010-2010-7127 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2024-06-30

Hello, I'm Choi Younghwan from Sicha Enterprise. 

I'm looking for a home shopping infomercial promotion model. 

<> Hair Oil Hair Essence Hair Perfume Products Find a model suitable for the product through advertising broadcasts for product introduction and sales through informational advertisements.

<> - Foreign men and women in their 20s and 30s 

<> - Date and time: * Prepare your hair and makeup individually Venue: Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do Time required: Half shot (variable depending on 6-8 hours situation) 

<> - 600,000 won (including AP) (Payment after deducting 3.3% of the original collection)

<> Send Profile Requirements for home shopping advertising experience Anyone who can do it on that day 

<> Anyone who keeps time Who can prepare the concept in advance Please include the actual photo

20~30대 외국인 남성여성 광고 (헤어향수) 모델 구합니다.

안녕하세요. 시자엔터프라이즈 최영환입니다.

홈쇼핑 인포머셜 홍보 모델을 찾습니다.

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- 2-30대 외국인 남녀

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- 일시 :

* 헤메 개인준비

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- 60만원 (에이피 포함)
(원청징수 3.3% 공제 후 지급)

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