[Korea tech brand] We are looking for Korean/foreign models to participate in social content image shooting.

Ariana07 2023.06.02 17:28:23 제작: 비주얼인텔리전스 작품 제목: Tech brand instagram contents 감독: 미정 극중배역: 20s-30s / 20-30대 촬영기간: Between June 12-16 / TBD 출연료: 회차당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 모집인원: 4-5 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 전화: 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2023-06-16

Hello, we are looking for tech brand social content image shooting models.


A total of 4-5 people will participate, and each model or multiple models will shoot images for various contents including using the product. The product is Korean, the content will be used only on their US instagram account.



Date : Between June 12-16 / TBD 

Hours : Approximately 8 hours

Place : Not fixed yet /



-20 years ~ 30 (Korean age) / Any Gender

-Foreign and Korean


How to apply: 

- Send an email to (sangeun.choi@visualint.co.kr) / (ekremer@visualint.co.kr)

 ‘Name / Gender / Year of Birth’ as the subject of the e-mail

- Attached Comcard or portfolio

- Please enter your nationality and visa type 


 We will contact you individually after an internal review.


Fee : 300,000 won (after tax) / snacks and meals provided


Brand : Because it is confidential, we will tell you when we are invited to shoot.


Usage Scope : Brand’s instagram feed and instagram ads , still images and reels (US market)


Usage Period : Usage period shall be 1 year from the time of initial publication with retention in perpetuity.