[5060 Female Shadow Actor Recruit] dobstudio is holding auditions for shadow actor casting.

디오비캐스팅 2023.03.05 13:21:21 제작: DOB Studio 작품 제목: 5060 Female Shadow Actor Recruit 감독: DOB Studio 극중배역: 5060 Female 촬영기간: March~April, 2023 출연료: 회차당 50만원~ 100만원 협의 모집인원: 모집성별: 여자 담당자: 전화: 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2023-03-10

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dob studio is a virtual human production company that specializes in creating realistic and life like digital humans. The company's cutting-edge technology and expertise in artificial intelligence, 3D modeling, and animation allow them to produce virtual humans that are indistinguishable from real people. dob studio is looking for a Virtual Human Shadow Actor to work on as a project.

※ Definition of Shadow Actor: Actor who acts as a virtual human using a virtual face


✔ Activity Contents dob studio's new Virtual Human Project launch video shoot.


✔ Qualifications


✔ Preferred Qualifications


✔ Terms and Conditions


✔ To be considered, please submit the following:


✔ How to Apply



✔ Deadline


✔ Will get in touch with only who meet the required qualifications to schedule an interview