(뮤비) 외국인 남/여, 한국인 남/여 배우 혹은 모델 분 구합니다! Looking for foreign male/female, Korean male/female actors or models to appear in the music video!

Fassbender 2021.08.17 17:47:12 제작: 김승범 작품 제목: BAMA 감독: 신중서 극중배역: 헤어진 남여 (a broken up couple) 촬영기간: 9월4일 혹은 9월12일 1회차 출연료: 회차당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 모집인원: 2 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 감독 신중서 전화: 010-7236-1481 이메일: wndtj1017@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2021-08-31



9/24 에 발매할 ' 바마 ' 의 싱글 뮤직비디오에 출연해주실 배우 두분을 모집합니다. 


영상은 슬로우 모션을 이용한 촬영으로, 서울 한남동 실내 스튜디오에서 스탭 4명내외로 소규모로 진행할 예정입니다. 


슬로우 모션이기 때문에 실제로 촬영하는 영상의 길이가 길지 않아서 6시간 내외로 마무리 되리라 예상 됩니다.


남자 배우분이 흡연을 하는 모습을 담을 예정이어서 남자 배우분 께서는 꼭 흡연을 하시는 분이셨으면 좋겠고, 반삭 머리하신분 우대하지만 아니여도 괜찮습니다. 


아직 확정되진않았으나 남자 배우분은 상의탈의한 채로 촬영할수도 있다는 점 미리 알아 주시면 감사하겠습니다.  


여성분은 분량이 많지 않을것으로 예상되어 고려하고 있는 느낌만 맞으면 좋을것 같습니다. 


몽환적인 분위기와 잘 어울리시는 배우분과 함께 작업하면 너무나 좋을 것 같습니다. 


각종 문의 사항들은 연락처로, 프로필 과 출연 영상은 이메일로 보내주시면 검토 후에 연락 드리겠습니다.



H.P : 010-7236-1481

E mail : wndtj1017@gmail.com





We are looking for two actors to appear in a  music video for 'Bama', which will be released on 9/24.


It will be filmed using slow motion at an indoor studio in Hannam-dong, Seoul.


Since it is a slow motion video, the actual recording time won't be that long so we expect to wrap up in about 6 hours.


There will be a scene where the male actor smokes, so we prefer who actually smokes (only the male actor). We also prefer a male actor with half shaved head, but it's okay if you are not. 


It has not been confirmed yet, but please be aware that the male actor might have to take his shirt off. 


For the female actor, there won't be too much appearance so we're looking for anyone who goes well with dreamy/lovely atmosphere.


It will be filmed in a small group with about 4 crew members.


Please contact us by email or phone if you are interested! 



H.P : 010-7236-1481

E mail : wndtj1017@gmail.com