모델/출연자 모집 : 화보촬영
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충분한 정보를 얻고 신뢰할만 하다는 판단이 될때만 지원하시기 권합니다.

Foreign male model shopping mall look book shooting recruitment

2024년 07월 29일 12시 39분 05초 309
제작 AMA 
작품 제목 Foreign male model shopping mall shooting recruitment 
감독 AMA 
극중배역 Foreign male model between 178 cm and 182 cm tall 
촬영기간 Between meedle of August and the end of August 
출연료 회차당 50만원~ 100만원 협의 
모집성별 남자 
담당자 AMA 
전화 010-2132-3338 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2024-07-30 

*Foreign male model shopping mall shooting recruitment


-Schedule: Between meedle of August and the end of August

-Venue: Studio in Seoul

-Model: Foreign male model between 178 cm and 182 cm tall

-Filming time: To be shoot on half day

-Pay: Model presents Hope Pay


✔ Precautions for profile support

Need to fill in application in title

Description of Hope Pay is required

Attach PPT file, not PDF

(Attach a photo sheet + send it by introducing it to the contents of the mail and creating a career)


Support profile E-mail : AMA





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