모델/출연자 모집 : 뮤직비디오
4,303 개

이곳의 게시물들에 대해서 필커는 아무것도 보증하지 않고 책임지지 않습니다.
충분한 정보를 얻고 신뢰할만 하다는 판단이 될때만 지원하시기 권합니다.

Female models/actresses appearing on idol singers' music videos

2023년 05월 22일 14시 27분 50초 470
제작 AMA 
작품 제목 Female models/actresses appearing on idol singers' music videos 
감독 AMA 
극중배역 Female models/actresses in their early and mid-20s who are pretty and have good visuals 
촬영기간 6/8~6/10 3회차 
출연료 작품당 30만원~ 40만원 협의 
모집성별 여자 
담당자 AMA 
전화 010-2132-3338 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2023-05-23 

*Female models/actresses appearing on idol singers' music videos

-Schedule: June 6-8 (Third round scheduled)

-Venue: Seoul, Gyeonggi-do Studio

- Model: Female models/actresses in their early and mid-20s who are pretty and have good visuals

- Filming time: Undecided 

- Pay: Consultation by model/actor (required to write desired pay in the application email)

✔️Precautions for profile support

Required to include support in the title

Attach PPT file, not PDF

(You can attach individual photos, introduce them to the contents of the mail, and send them by writing your career)

Profile Email Support : AMA


For all AMA tasks, upload it to AMA Instagram first, and then look at Instagram to proceed with the first list only for those who applied.

Please follow it, check the casting information that I upload on the story, and give me a lot of support.


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