모델/출연자 모집 : 화보촬영
166,401 개

이곳의 게시물들에 대해서 필커는 아무것도 보증하지 않고 책임지지 않습니다.
충분한 정보를 얻고 신뢰할만 하다는 판단이 될때만 지원하시기 권합니다.

Clothing Brand (Casual/Designer) Domestic and International Male/Female Models Needed

2025년 01월 24일 16시 40분 41초 375 1
제작 AMA 
작품 제목 Clothing Brand (Casual/Designer) Domestic and International Male/Female Models Needed 
감독 AMA 
극중배역 Unique and distinctive visuals, males 177-184cm / females 166-173cm, aged 20s to early 30s 
촬영기간 February 9 (1 day) 
출연료 회차당 30만원~ 40만원 협의 
모집성별 남자, 여자 
담당자 AMA 
전화 010-2132-3338 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2025-01-25 

*Clothing Brand (Casual/Designer) Domestic and International Male/Female Models Needed


Date: February 9 (1 day)

Location: Studio in Gangnam, Seoul

Models: Unique and distinctive visuals, males 177-184cm / females 166-173cm, aged 20s to early 30s

Details: Lookbook photoshoot

Time: Half-day (5 hours, excluding hair and makeup)

Usage: Company’s online store / SNS channels

Pay: Please specify desired pay in your application email (hourly rate and half-day rate must be included).





✔️ Application Guidelines:

• Indicate the project title in the email subject.

• Attach your profile as a PPT file (not PDF).

(Include separate photos and write your introduction and experience directly in the email body.)

• Desired pay must be stated (applications without pay details will not be considered).


Profile Application Email: AMA




Additionally, our projects are first uploaded to our Instagram Stories, so we encourage you to follow our account and apply for any projects that interest you.

1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
2025.01.25 19:11
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