모델/출연자 모집 : 광고/홍보
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40-50대 남자 외국인 배우분 구인합니다 / Looking for 40-50 year old male foreign actor (Business man role)

noisymind noisymind
2024년 09월 03일 11시 13분 43초 156
제작 노이지마인드 
작품 제목 홍보 영상 
감독 양희태 
극중배역 International Business Man 
촬영기간 September 5th 
출연료 회차당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 
모집성별 남자 
담당자 양희태 PD 
전화 010-7580-5659 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2024-09-05 

Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well.


We have a shoot planned on September 5th, this Thursday, and we are looking for a male foreign actor/model to act in the international businessman role. The shoot is for a campaign video of a public organization.


We will prepare a line or two for you to act (in English).


Date: September 5th (Thursday)

Time: 10:30 - 13:30 (3H)

Place: Kintex (일산 킨텍스)

Payment: 150,000원


Hair & Makeup will be ready at shoot. 

A suit that fits the role will be necessary.


Please send me your portfolio to my email



It'll be a lot of help if you include a video of you reading a line or so.

Also if you have a picture of you in a suit, that'll be great as well.


Thank you always for taking the time to apply for the role, and I look forward to meeting you guys.


Thank you!

Jake Yang

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