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* 본인의 프로필 사진, 최근 모습을 담은 보정이 되지 않은 사진 1장(핸드폰 사진도 괜찮음),
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*궁금한 사항은 댓글로 남겨주세요(이메일은 답변이 늦을 수 있습니다)
[회사 기본 정보]
회사명: 沃尔德商务资讯服务有限公司 (STAERWEB)
회사사업번호: 91220104MAOY33KE4C
회사주소: 北京市Beijing, 朝阳区chaoyang district.
이메일: staerwebofficial@outlook.com
院线电影《自由女神》cinima <statue of Liberty> Director: 青阳 (Qing Yang)
类型:青春、励志 type: youth, encourage
出品公司:万达影视 Company: Wanda Group
发行公司:五洲电影 Publish company: Five State Media
拍摄周期:50天 Shooting period: 50 days
拍摄期:2016年9月到10月 Shooting schedule: 2016.9.10
拍摄地:北京、纽约 Shooting location: Beijing, NY
院线电影《百万小妞》 cinima <Million Dollar Baby>- Director: 周晓鹏 (Zhou Xiao Peng)
影片类型:爱情、喜剧、励志 type: love, comedy, encourage
出品方: 芒果影业 天雄影业 华夏中影 企联传媒 Company: Mongo Media
发行单位: 芒果影业 环球联影 Publish company: Five State Media
开机时间:2016年8月初 Shooting schedule: 2016.beginning of August
拍摄周期:55天左右 Shooting period: around 50 days
拍摄地点:厦门、杭州 Shooting location: Xiamen, Hangzhou
actors and actresses
age: 18 - 28
can speak simple English at least, if can speak Chinese would be a big plus
Have some acting experience
age: 4 - 12
some experience would be preferredable
Male and female model
age: 18 - 27
can speak simple English to communicate
Have modeling experience
Please send your pictures and information to
sub email: shigei1@hotmail.com