<Ice Cream Self-Cam Shooting> Looking for a foreign model in her 20s

셀프캠지원자모집 2025.03.12 14:07:35 제작: shooting team 작품 제목: Ice Cream Self-Cam Shooting 감독: 정PD 극중배역: 2030 f 촬영기간: 3 days of returning the guidelines. 출연료: 회차당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 여자 담당자: jay 전화: 이메일: zlfkghwns@naver.com 모집 마감일: 2025-03-19

We are looking for a pretty female model in her 20s who can take self-cams at home of diet ice cream products.

You should be able to shoot with a self-cam at home by yourself, such as ice cream product shooting video/reaction video/ingestion video!

The filming deadline is within 3 days of returning the guidelines.

The pay is 150,000 won.

Please give me a lot of support.

Thank you :)

I would like to ask for your email support.


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[Foreigner / Age / Name]