Solid Gold Jewelry Earrings/Neckiace Foreigner Model Recruitment

goeun0photo 2025.01.02 10:19:57 제작: 주얼리 촬영 작품 제목: 목걸이/귀걸이 촬영 감독: 한국금다이아몬드 극중배역: 20대 후반~30대 중반 촬영기간: 1/8 test shooting 출연료: 회차당 40만원~ 50만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 여자 담당자: 이종명 전화: 000-0000-0000 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2025-01-03

Hello, We are Korea Gold Diamond

we're looking for an soild gold jewelry Foreigner model. 
If you need a pay consultation, please write the contents in the e-mail.
We're planning to invite hair and makeup artists.
And please send me an uncorrected selfie and hand photo as well.

As a model condition, earrings must be worn and those with a long neckline will be selected.
Thank you.

Test shooting : 1/8(W)
Filming location: Jong-ro
