40-50대 남자 외국인 배우분 구인합니다 / Looking for 40-50 year old male foreign actor (Business man role)

noisymind 2024.09.03 11:13:43 제작: 노이지마인드 작품 제목: 홍보 영상 감독: 양희태 극중배역: International Business Man 촬영기간: September 5th 출연료: 회차당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 남자 담당자: 양희태 PD 전화: 010-7580-5659 이메일: contact@noisy-mind.com 모집 마감일: 2024-09-05

Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well.


We have a shoot planned on September 5th, this Thursday, and we are looking for a male foreign actor/model to act in the international businessman role. The shoot is for a campaign video of a public organization.


We will prepare a line or two for you to act (in English).


Date: September 5th (Thursday)

Time: 10:30 - 13:30 (3H)

Place: Kintex (일산 킨텍스)

Payment: 150,000원


Hair & Makeup will be ready at shoot. 

A suit that fits the role will be necessary.


Please send me your portfolio to my email



It'll be a lot of help if you include a video of you reading a line or so.

Also if you have a picture of you in a suit, that'll be great as well.


Thank you always for taking the time to apply for the role, and I look forward to meeting you guys.


Thank you!

Jake Yang