외국인 인터뷰 가능자. Looking for a foreigner interviewer

지비피엘 2024.07.17 14:22:42 제작: GBPL 작품 제목: 유튜브 인터뷰 감독: ian 극중배역: interviewing foreigners on the street 촬영기간: 7월 말 1회, 이후 월 4회 이상. over 4 time a month 출연료: 회차당 40만원~ 50만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 여자 담당자: ian 전화: 010-8011-1555 이메일: marketing@gbpl.kr 모집 마감일: 2024-08-31

GBPL is an IT development comapny.

This time we are making a application platform and website.
At the same time we will run a youtube channel to show good restaurants and places in Korea.

As we are starting, we don't know much about the payment, senarios and etc.
Currently there are 2 members in the filming department,

It will be good to find people to work with for a long-term goal.

and the candidates need to speak English fluently and should be a out-going person.


It will be good to have the resume or portfolio through email.


Thank you