looking for a foreinger model [massage chair]

ours 2024.04.11 19:34:22 제작: 스튜디오 작품 제목: massage chair 감독: . 극중배역: . 촬영기간: 4월 말 출연료: 회차당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 여자 담당자: 전화: 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2024-04-12

we're looking for a female model.


Item: Massage chair
📌 Number of recruits: 1명
- Date of filming: 4월 말 하루
- Location: Studio in Seoul 
- Shooting time: half
- Scope of use: Online 

[How to apply]
We are receiving support via email.

- > know163@naver.com

Please support including the email title [female model]. 

📌 Please attach the following information individually to the main text. 
If you attach only ppt and pdf files, it is difficult to list up.

📌 Included content
+ Includes 6~ high definition photos
- name/date of birth
- Height/weight
- Size (top+bottom+shoes)
- Contact info (telephone number, kkt ect) 
+sns  ID

Thank you.