화장품 광고용 흑인 여성 모델을 찾고 있습니다

수퍼비 2024.04.05 15:23:56 제작: 수퍼비글로벌디자인그룹 작품 제목: 화장품 광고 감독: Siddiqi 극중배역: 화장품 광고용 흑인 여성 모델 (20대) 촬영기간: 4월 4주차 중 1회차 출연료: 회차당 50만원~ 100만원 협의 모집인원: 01 모집성별: 여자 담당자: Siddiqi 전화: 010 이메일: siddiqi.testing@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2024-04-11



We are looking for Black foreign female model for cosmetics advertising videos.


Age group: 20s


Gender: Female


※ Camera test: Date not yet determined, to be coordinated later


※ Actual filming date: 3rd to 4th week of April 24


Camera test: date not yet determined


Appearance fee: 600,000 won (3.3% tax included)

Half day shoot.


Please apply only if you can schedule both the camera test and the actual shooting day.


** When applying, please send it to the above email using the form below!

- Email subject: Cosmetics/Name/Age/Contact information


- Attachment: Profile


**We only accept email support.