코리아타임스 유튜브 '하우디코리아' 에서 "한국인과 결혼한 외국인" 출연자를 구합니다.

Dial 2024.11.19 10:50:37 제작: 코리아타임스 작품 제목: 하우디코리아 감독: 유승은 극중배역: 한국인과 결혼한 외국인 (성별, 나이 무관) 촬영기간: 11월 22일 금요일, 2PM ~ 5PM (3시간) 출연료: 회차당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 모집인원: 2 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 유승은 전화: 이메일: howdykorea@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2024-11-21

안녕하세요, 영자신문사 코리아타임스에서 새로 런칭한 한국 생활 관련 유튜브 채널 '하우디코리아'입니다.
이번에 '하우디코리아'에서 이하 주제에 출연하실 외국인 출연자를 모집하고 있습니다.


1. 한국인과 결혼한 외국인들의 토크쇼

2. 아이들 교육과 관련된 토크쇼


주제상 기혼자를 찾고 있으며, 아이가 있으신  분 우대합니다.

내용은 전부 영어로 진행될 예정입니다.




Hello! This is the The Korea Times, an English newspaper company serving both domestic and international readers.

In the past, our company has operated other channels like "KST by Korea Times", and "POPKORN".

KST : https://www.youtube.com/@KoreanStoryTellers

POPKORN : https://www.youtube.com/@POPKORNpoppin


We have recently launched a new channel named "Howdy Korea," focused on delivering Korea's realistic dimensions to viewers in a fun manner.
Howdy Korea : https://www.youtube.com/@howdykorea


[Reference video]


For our new series of contents, we are looking for foreigners who are married to Koreans.

Those who have a child are preferred due to the insight about educatio they can provide.

Below are the details of contents.



- Date: Nov. 22 (Friday)
- Time : 2PM ~ 5PM
- Place : Studio in the Korea Times (Sejong-daero, 17, Jung-gu, 5 minute walk from Seoul Station)
- Commission : KRW 150,000 (3 hours)

- Topic :
1. "Mafia game" : Three foreigners who are married to a Korean & one foreigner not married to a Korean play a game trying find the "odd one out."

2. "Draw the line" : What would you like your child to learn from public education, and what not? Four foreigners and a Korean talk about where each of them draw the line on the topics that should be taught at public schools.



Please send us your profile through email!


Thank you very much for reading, and have a great day. :)