Casting Call: Foreign Actors Needed for YouTube Comedy Skit

naturesrevenge 2024.09.01 16:12:14 제작: Nature's Revenge 작품 제목: Outdoor commmercial 감독: 김PD 극중배역: Outdoor photographers 25-40 촬영기간: 7 Sep 출연료: 회차당 30만원~ 40만원 협의 모집인원: 3 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 김PD 전화: 010-8731-3372 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2024-09-01

We are looking for foreign actors for a Youtube skit.

Indoor interview with a few outdoor shots.

Written lines for the interview scenes will be provided.

All lines are in English(different accents are welcome)


*Please be aware that the script includes some sexual humor. This is a light-hearted, non-commercial project meant for fun, so an open mind and a good sense of humor are essential!


Roles: Outdoor photographer

Genre: Commercial Parody with a twist of humor

Taglines: How to love our Mother Nature


Age: 25-40

Gender: Both

Date: Sat 07 Sep (not fixed)

Hour: 12 PM Call Time (Filming expected to take 3-4 hours depending on role)

Location: 양재동, 서초구

Rate: 300,000-400,000 KRW (pre-tax, depending on role)


Please submit your profile and portfolio to the email address below: