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*Short-form Content Shooting for a Dining Brand – Foreign Influencers/Models/Actors Wanted

2025년 02월 13일 18시 08분 05초 105
제작 AMA 
작품 제목 *Short-form Content Shooting for a Dining Brand – Foreign Influencers/Models/Actors Wanted 
감독 AMA 
극중배역 Influencers, models, or actors who can skillfully act while enjoying food. 
촬영기간 2월중 1회 
출연료 회차당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 
모집성별 남자, 여자 
담당자 AMA 
전화 010-2132-3338 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2025-02-15 


*Short-form Content Shooting for a Dining Brand – Foreign Influencers/Models/Actors Wanted

  • Location: Filming at the brand’s restaurant
  • Details:
    1. Create and upload short-form content using your personal social media account (if you are an influencer).
    2. Participate solely as a model in the shooting (if you are not an influencer).
  • Model/Actor Requirements: Influencers, models, or actors who can skillfully act while enjoying food.
  • Pay:
    1. Content Creation Fee (for influencers who produce content)
    2. KRW 200,000 per session (for non-influencer participants as models/actors)


✔️ Important Notes When Submitting Your Profile

  • Please specify the project title in the email subject.
  • Attach your profile as a PPT file, NOT a PDF.
  • Alternatively, you may attach individual photos and include your introduction and work experience in the body of the email.


Profile Submission Email: AMA


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