모델/출연자 모집 : 광고/홍보
167,566 개

이곳의 게시물들에 대해서 필커는 아무것도 보증하지 않고 책임지지 않습니다.
충분한 정보를 얻고 신뢰할만 하다는 판단이 될때만 지원하시기 권합니다.

Foreign Models [SNS 다이어트 제품 광고] 외국인 여성 다이어트 모델

2024년 10월 17일 17시 12분 46초 62
제작 PD 
작품 제목 다이어트 셀프캠 
감독 PD 
촬영기간 협의 
출연료 회차당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 
모집성별 여자 
담당자 PD 
전화 0000-0000 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2024-10-24 



We are looking for foreign female actors to help us shoot self video for our diet products.


You don't need to speak Korean fluently! 


We are looking for actors and models who can shoot self video in a variety of compositions for a short, simple, action-oriented self-review video



Create social media video ads (selfie, in-person X)


Used for social media advertising and promotional videos and images
Utilized on the detail page of your store


Product: Diet supplement 
Shooting date: To be negotiated
Model: Preferably someone who has actually lost weight

✨Models/Influencers are preferred (if you have an Instagram link, please send it to us!)

✨ Must have clear before and after images 


One reshoot may be requested if the shoot differs from the guidelines
Pay: 150000 KRW


Must be able to take selfies
Who can take high-quality photos with your phone's back camera
Who able to deliver the photos according to the schedule after receiving the product (The product will be sent to you by courier.)
Who can show your full face online
✨Who are confident in your body shape✨.

To apply, please email 

Email subject: Diet model application_Name (age)

Email content

①Name/age/height/weight/contact info/Instagram ID (If you don't have Instagram, please leave it out)

②Photos/videos and portfolio that show your current body shape




Recruitment of models → Individual contact after selection → Delivery of shooting instructions and guides → Emailing of the shoot → (1 reshoot if there are any changes) → Payment of expenses


Only successful candidates will be contacted individually,

Detailed shooting information will be provided through the shooting guide when the recruitment process is underway.

We look forward to your application.

Thank you


관리자 사칭 하는 자
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불량 게시물은 신고 기능을 이용해주세요
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