모델/출연자 모집 : 광고/홍보
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[Body Skincare Video & Photo] By Wishtrend Campaign / Foreign Model / Late July~Early August / Multiple sessions

2023년 06월 21일 16시 54분 42초 292
제작 Wishcompany 
작품 제목 Campaign 
감독 Sonny 
극중배역 Model 
촬영기간 Between late July to early August (More than 2 times) 
출연료 작품당 100만원 이상 협의 
모집인원 4명 
모집성별 남자, 여자 
담당자 Sonny 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2023-07-04 

Hello, I'm Yoo Jung-son, a producer at Wish Company.

We are looking for models to participate in our body skincare campaign video & photo shoots.

This isn't a one-off event, and we are continuously producing contents, so we would greatly appreciate many applications who are aligned with our campaign message.


Wishcompany is a global company that owns beauty brands like ’Dear,Klairs’ and ’ByWishtrend’ and as well as an e-commerce  Wishtrend.com.


We are looking for models who are not afraid to show off their skin imperfections, portraying authentic self in front of the camera. Based on our brand slogan "You are the standard", we welcome models with diverse backgrounds and unique characteristics instead of standardized models. 

We welcome all gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, skin type and size.


  1. Company Name


  1. Contents
    : We will be shooting a series of campaign videos, photos and some short-form social media videos for a newly launching body care product. Naturally, you must be comfortable showing your body skin.

    < Previous content examples >
    : Not a Flaw campaign - https://youtu.be/cNjEq1a0eYg
    : Propolis Energy campaign -  https://youtu.be/rfrW13-Jmvc
    : Under the Same Sun campaign - https://youtu.be/BH9GGj2VFPo


  1. Schedule
    - Date : Between late July to early August (More than 2 times)
    - Pay : Discussed upon contact
  2. Requirements  (mandatory*)
    - Name
    - Contact details (phone no.)
    - Racial background
    - Body skin conditions (ex. rough patches, acne, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, etc.)
    - Face Picture without makeup
    - Body part picture that shows your skin conditions.
    - English speaking proficiency (rate from 1~5)
    - Instagram or TikTok profile

  3. Posted channels
    - WishBeautyLab https://youtube.com/@WishBeautyLab
    - Wishtrend https://www.instagram.com/wishtrend/ 
    - By WIshtrend https://www.instagram.com/bywishtrend/
    - Wishtrend TV https://www.instagram.com/wishtrendtv/
    - Brands’ social channels (IG, TikTok, etc.)
    - Possibly offline advertisements (not confirmed)

  4. Notes
    - Previous modeling experience is not necessary, but must be comfortable in front of a camera.
    - Please note that this campaign involves shooting various body parts as well as your face.
    - It's best if you have at least one but not limited to following body skin conditions: rough patches, acne marks (hyperpigmentation), keratosis pilaris, loss of skin elasticity (stretch marks), etc.
    - You must have no plan to leave Korea for an extended amount of time within 6 months from now.
    - This project is not just about simple modeling, but it must involve your enthusiasm and full understanding of our brand and campaign.
    - Once selected, you will be required to routinely use the provided body care product.


  1. Contact information


* 총 게시글 수 : 3
* 총 댓글 수 : 0
* 추천받은 게시글 개수 : 0
* 추천받은 댓글 개수 : 0
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