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Redrock micro LiveLens MFT Active Lens Mount 캐논렌즈의 조리개를 컨트롤해주는 아답터

2016년 03월 03일 12시 41분 10초 294

캐논 렌즈를 컨트롤 할 수 있게 해주는 Redrock micro LiveLens MFT 판매합니다.

조리개 컨트롤이 안되는 캐논 렌즈를 9v배터리팩 (별도구입했지만, 같이 포함입니다.) 와 연결해서

원하는 조리개로 세팅 가능하게 해줍니다.


이 제품이 뭔지 아시는 분들은 이 제품의 가치를 아실 겁니다.


구입가격 US$598 + 베터리팩 해서 80만원정도 들었지만, 현재 사용하지 않는 관계로

파격적으로 저렴히 판매합니다.


40만원에 압구정 직거래합니다.




The Redrock Micro LiveLens MFT™ is the first active lens adapter that enables Canon EF lenses to be used with any micro four-thirds (mft) camera, such as the Panasonic AG-AF100, Panasonic GH1/2, and Olympus Pen cameras. 



Canon EF lenses require power and electronic controls in order to adjust the lens’ aperture. Without power and control electronics, The aperture of the EF lenses are stuck wide open, severely limiting the usefulness of the lens. The Redrock LiveLens mft active lens adapter solves this problem by providing power to the EF lens and a control pad to adjust the lens aperture. With LiveLens mft you can set the EF lens' aperture to any stop in increments as small as 1/3 stop. It works with just about every lens available today, including variable aperture zoom lenses, prime lenses, consumer-level lenses, and professional L-series lenses. It also works with most third party EF-compatible lenses. There are some limitations to please make sure to read Technical Details. 



The Redrock Micro LiveLens mft is the solution for using sharp EF-mount lenses on Micro Four Third bodies without sacrifice. Where standard “dummy adapters” just physically mount EF lenses to the Micro Four Third body, the Redrock micro LiveLens MFT talks to the lens, giving you the ability to adjust your aperture without the need to use time consuming workarounds on set. Don’t work around the ability of your lenses; make your lenses work for you, starting today.


Camera, lens, and third party accessories pictured are not included with this product

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