영화관련 어시스턴트를 모집합니다. // Looking for assistant art movie project !!

QuentinC 2013.09.02 14:15:03 제작: Art Film, Seoul Art Space, Gunpo Art Foundation 작품 제목: No name yet --- About Gunpo's Pachulso 감독: Quentin Cornet 모집분야: 기획 제작, 시나리오, 촬영, 모션콘트롤, 세트, 메이킹, 스틸, 메이킹 투자 진행상황: 진행중 캐스팅 진행상황: 진행중 참여기간: 2013.09.01 to 2013.11.31 페이: Volunteer. Internship process. 차후협의 모집인원: 3 모집성별: 구분안함 담당자: Quentin Cornet 전화번호: 010-2132-7181 이메일: quentincornet@ymail.com 모집 마감일: 2013-09-30 구인 종류:

아래 내용을 읽어보시고, 이해가 안되시거나 문의사항이 있으시면 편하게 이메일로 연락주세요!!!



Dear Sirs.


We are looking for some assistants for the following movie project run bye Mr Quentin Cornet ( French film artist ).

The project will be made in collaboration with Seoul Art Space and Gunpo Art foundation, and police of Gunpo city.

From September to mid-November.

The project will me run between Seoul (pre-production) and Gunpo (shooting),

Mainly in Korean and English. First basics in English are needed, but you don't need to speak well english.

The language of the movie will be in Korean.

We are looking for some part-time assistant for:

- Pre production work, mainly casting, researches, and interpretation.

- Shooting period. mainly grip and script, diverse assistants.

Any others helps will be always welcome!

It is a small budget project. Made in the context of Art founding.

We will not be able to pay assistants, but all expenses (transportations - food - etc.) will be on our charge!

Time of work is depending of the availability to everyone.

Can be few days a week, or only morning time, or various days depending of the needs and schedules.

Please join the project and team, even if it is only for few days.

If you are interested, please email the artist at [ quentincornet@ymail.com ]

We will let you know more about his art work and the project.

You can find some picture from his work at :


And an interview at:


Thanks a lot.

Quentin Cornet's team.

PS: If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

PS 2: We can produce some internship or volunteer attestation from Seoul Art Space and Gunpo Art foundation for the people who want to participate to this project as a working experience program.


The project will be running from the following program:



/ STEP 1


Interviews with police officers from Gunpo Police Office

/ STEP 2

Collective writing:

Creating fiction during writing workshop based on STEP 1 interviews.

/ STEP 3


Filming session with actors in Gunpo police stations and Gunpo's streets.



Quentin Cornet

Visual Artist
