외국인 배우

Atouta 2020.06.09 22:35:35

Good morning! 


Sorry. I am still studying Korean, so I   use English ,



My name is Marie and I am an actress from Sweden, currently living in Seoul (l earning Korean). I have worked in fil for most of my life, both in Sweden and LA. I am currently missing being on set so I joined this page in hopes to find some people to collaborate with. Since my Korean isn't very good I figured I could ask around here. I have moved around quite a bit and often found filmmakers through online websites to collaborate with and I was wondering if you guys would recommend this one or another site?


Also, if anyone is in need of a black actress (who can speak Korean on the level of a 2 year old, but is fluent in Swedish and English) feel free to reach out. Even if it's just for background work. I really miss being on set.


*I hope this is teh appropriate form to post this in, if not please let me know and I'll take it down.


Thank you!