We are premium haircare brand and looking for foreign influencers

Yeonseul18 2024.07.07 13:14:19 제작: AIISCO 작품제목: Haircare brand videos 감독: eloise.gasnot@icloud.com 배역: Foreign models between 20-40 촬영기간: No schedule 출연료: 모집인원: 50 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: Yeonseul 전화번호: 이메일: eloise.gasnot@icloud.com 모집 마감일: 2024-09-05

Hello! We are AIISCO! A premium haircare brand in Korea! 

We know that foreigners meet a big problem here by losing hair!

But! We found a solution to keep your hair beautiful, soft and healthy!

We are looking for influencers (no matter number of followers) to make video about our products.

This is a collaboration, but we send our products for free!

So you win free products and wonderful hair! 


Here is our main website : https://aiisco.kr/


If you want to do this partnership with us, we will send you a form to fill up and guidelines by email!

Have a nice day :)