Filmmaker from London looking for 2 Actors and 1 Actress to be in a short film - 단편영화에 출연할 배우 2명과 여배우 1명을 찾고 있는 런던 출신 영화제작자

WilliamNotThePrince 2023.10.13 01:41:59 제작: William North 작품제목: Macabre Metrics 감독: William North 배역: Male Fashion Vlogger mid-20s, female student in early or mid-20s and male video editor in mid-20s 촬영기간: 3 sessions between November 1st and 11th (subject to actor availability) 출연료: 모집인원: 3 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: William North - Director/Producer/Writer 전화번호: 010-3974-7806 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2023-10-25

Hey! My name is William North, I am an independent filmmaker from London who is staying in Seoul until December. I am here visiting my girlfriend but I am looking to make short film while I am here based on a short script I wrote during my time in Seoul.


The working title of the film is Macabre Metrics and it is about an up-and-coming YouTuber who makes ‘how much is your outfit’ videos. His content begins to gain views which surprises him only to discover that he has attracted the attention of a particularly malicious stalker who is murdering and stealing key items of clothing from the people he interviews. Seeing the correlation between his views increasing and the murderer, the main character contemplates whether the results are more important. But another question remains, what does the stalker want?


Actors needed:




Even if you have no experience or little experience please don’t hesitate to apply, I quite enjoy working with amateur actors.


I am going to have my girlfriend help to translate the script into Korean because I think that gives actors the best opportunity to shine. However, there will be a small portion of dialogue in English.


The film will be shot in various locations around Seoul, I will cover the cost of transport and food for all actors, naturally there will be a number of scenes shot ‘YouTube style’ in public places.


If you want to get involved in any capacity, please don't hesitate to contact me.