케이디 (외국인)

Cady 2024.05.28 18:24:32 출생년도: 1996 전화번호: 이메일: Cady_h@naver.com 홈페이지: https://www.instagram.com/cadyroll 신장: 170 체중: 59 특기: 영국영어 (원어민), 다른 악센트, 한국어 (중), 역도/스포츠, 주요경력: Tv / 드라마
Sexy Beast - Image Role - 2024
Beaumont - Image Role - 2024
Boat Story - Supporting Role - 2024
사냥개들 - Image role - 2023
Sad Tropics - Image Role - 2023
Xo Kitty - Image Role - 2023
Maternal - Supporting Role - 2022

The Blitz - Supporting Role - 2024
Date - Supporting Role - 2024
Fragments of Possibility - Lead Role - 2023
Overflow - Supporting Role - 2023
When I Paint My Masterpiece - Main Role - 2023

Trelleborg ‘Our work makes us happy’ - Main Model - 2024 (commercial)
McCains Do Good - Main Model - 2023 (commercial)
Rundholz Mainline Editorial - Main Model - 2023 (fashion editorial)
Artells Magazine - Main Model - 2023 (beauty)
Ader Error After Blue - Sub Model - 2022 (fashion)
Gmaro Magazine - Main Model - 2022 (beauty/ fashion editorial)
Unite Students - Main Model - 2022 (commercial)
Addict fragrance - Main Model - 2022 (SNS/ beauty)
Yeeple Babyshield - Main Model - 2022 (Stills/ Video including acting commercial)
Farcry 6 commercial (Korea) - Supporting Model - 2021 (games commercial)
Miragesoft - Main Model - 2021 (stills/ Video including acting commercial)
Growus Co Strong Shampoo - Main Model - 2021 (sns commercial/ beauty)

TOEIC - 2022
TOEIC - 2022
Samsung Zseries - 2022
Samsung Bespoke - 2022
Kia R&D - 2021

영국 표준어, 영국 사투리, 호주어, 스코틀랜드어, 미국 등 각종 영어발음 가능합니다. 좋은 연기, 좋은 모습 보여 드릴수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다 감사합니다.

