A Cold Seoul

paulstafford 2012.02.24 20:44:18 제작: Enanoski Productions 작품 제목: A Cold Seoul 감독: Edward Burgos 극중배역: 촬영기간: 2월 26일, 18:00에요 출연료: 0 모집인원: 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 폴 스태포드 (생산자와 주연 - 연국 사람입나다) 전화번호: 010-3954-2555 이메일: paulrobertstafford@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2012-02-25
Casting Call:

Ed Burgos’s film ‘A Cold Seoul. 
We are looking for
1. A middle aged Korean woman to play a short role in an independent film. The role is simple, 1 scene no lines, requires maximum 3 hours. She is a high ranking politician.
2. A well-built Korean/Korean American man, any age, to play a security guard.
Filming date: This Sunday, February 26th
Time: 6pm – 9pm
Call me if you are interested: 010-3954-2555
Or send photos to paulrobertstafford@gmail.com