★Actress Needed. Kyopo or Korean For January Indie Movie★

Michael 2009.10.14 11:53:09 제작: 작품 제목: 감독: 극중배역: 촬영기간: 출연료: 모집인원: 모집성별: 담당자: 전화번호: 이메일: 모집 마감일:
I'm looking for an actress to act in my movie shooting in Seoul in January
If you think you might be interested please submit your pictures and information
or If you know someone who might be interested please let me know

Primarily I need a girl to play Amanda

Amanda. Korea/American Korea/Canadian - Korean/Something or a good english speaking Korean
25 to 30 years old

PERSONALITY: a Vixen,Bubbly,provocative,fun,outgoing,yet selfish and protective to compensate for her insecurities, lack of confidence and her immaturity
vulnerable needs nurturing and affection
too immature to always do the right thing and people get hurt because of it although she thinks she is doing nothing wrong,Part of her defence mechanism
One of those people who is popular at parties, a social butterfly but deep inside she is very alone and lonely
a great compensator but on the outside looks very fun,happy and outgoing

This is a sad,serious piece and will be seen at International Film Festivals in 2010
The script will be ready in a couple of weeks but Id like to start talking to people who are interested as soon as possible
Meals and travel paid for but this is basically a all volunteer movie. If there are any money(s) made during after production or during distribution,you will get paid,as well all credit and recognition will go directly to you
If you would like to see some of my previous work,let me know and ill send you a link
This will be a fun shoot and a reward to watch after completion
Looking for passionate,enthusiastic team players to participate

There are other speaking roles for both Korean and non Korea actors and actresses(Please submit and we will decide later who will play what)
(roughly 6 people)

Please send your information to
and my msn is mike_arnold@hotmail.com

Please share this with any other people who might be good candidates

Thank you very much
Michael Arnold

Michael Arnold

★Independent Film Team KOREA★
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