[Foreign actors] SNS Shotform for Milkis, Lotte Chilsung Beverage / 외국인 배우 모집

맑으미 2024.10.11 18:23:12 제작: 콤마 엔터테인먼트 작품 제목: 글로벌 브랜드 숏폼 감독: 프로덕 극중배역: 영상배우 촬영기간: 1일 출연료: 회차당 10만원~ 20만원 협의 모집인원: 00 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 기획총괄 전화번호: 010 이메일: sunny@comma-entertainment.com 모집 마감일: 2024-10-31


We’ve been preparing “Milkis Challenge” contents nowadays. 

So, this is a creative brief and our content plan.

# Title of the challenge
"Do you want me to kiss you?" Or just shorten it, "Do you want me kiss?"
※ Using the similar sound as 'me kiss' & 'Milkis'
1) Interviewer will ask you, "Hello, I'm going to ask you a simple question now, can you answer, Yes or No?"
2) You need to answer yes/no (This will vary depending on the assigned role.)
3-1) Positive reaction → to say "I knew it!! Here you are." and give her/him Milkis with a smiling face :)
3-2) Negative reaction (something like "What are you talking about?", "Are you crazy??", etc.) 
→ with an embarrassed face, interviewer will say "I was just asking if you wanted to drink Milkis.." or "I was just talking about Milkis." and give you Milkis.
# Video Specs
- Up to 60 secs
- Vertical / 9:16 ratio
- 1920px by 1080px (fit for IG & TT)

*The time featured in the video is not expected to exceed 10 seconds.
  • Additional notes:
    1. Model license for 1 year (However, due to the nature of uploading works on online channels, the works uploaded during the license period will not be deleted after the expiration of the license)
    2. Models should be capable of doing their own hair and makeup. Support will be discussed and provided.
    3. There may be a request for 1-2 sets of appropriate outfits for the shoot concept (if the model already has them)
- Requirements: Portfolio + Photos showing a smiling face
   (if you have an Instagram account, please include it in the email)

- Email address: sunny@comma-entertainment.com