UCLA 대학원 단편작 "Quyen" (큐엔)

셜리오브스큐라 2013.02.18 11:58:29 제작: UCLA 작품 제목: Quyen 감독: Lucretia Stinette 극중배역: 아래의 설명을 보세요. 촬영기간: 3월 셋째 주 출연료: 아래의 전화번호로 연락 주세요. 모집인원: 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 010-6472-8062 전화번호: 010-6472-8062 이메일: lucretia.stinnette@gmail.com 모집 마감일:
"큐엔"은 미국의 영화학교 UCLA 영화대학원생들의 작품입니다. 이 단편은  한국 남자와 결혼하기 위해 한국에 오게된 베트남계 이민자 "큐엔" 에 대한 이야기 입니다.

다음의 역할을 할 배우들을 찾습니다:
큐엔 (22살) 맑은 눈을 가진  희망에 찬  베트남계 이민녀. 말은 없어도 강하며 주위사람들을 사람을 편하게 한다.
영식 (40세) 병을 평생 앓아온 그는 이태껏 자신의 어머니에게 의존해왔다.
진희 (60세) 아들의 간병을 40년 홀로 해왔던...
안    (25세) 큐엔의 사촌.  결혼을 통해 큐엔보다 먼저 한국에 이민을 왔다. 한국말도 꽤 잘하고 풍습도 익숙한 여자. 

010-6472-8062로 연락주세요..

QUYEN is a short movie written and directed by Lucretia Stinnette for her 2nd year MFA film at UCLA.  Quyen is a story about a young Vietnamese woman who immigrates to Korea for marriage.  The story follows her on her first experiences in the country, and shows her home life with her new husband and his mother. 

We are currently looking for cast members.  

22 year old Quyen immigrated from Vietnam bright eyed and hopeful for the future.  She is a strong young lady of few words, and put those at ease around her.

Yongsik is Quyen's 40 year old husband.  He has been plagued by illness his whole life and depends solely on his mother.

 63 year old Jinhee is a single mother who has devotes her life to caring for her son.

Anh is Quyen's 25 year old cousin who speaks fluent Korean and has been married and living in Korea for several years.  She has assimilated into Korean culture.


The writer/director is Lucretia Stinnette, who after living and teaching in Korea for over 3 years, is now in her 2nd year of the MFA directing program at UCLA. 

The Director of Photography for this project is Judy Phu who graduated from UCLA with a dual MFA in directing and cinematography.

The Assistant director is Shirley Kim who is in her 3rd year in the MFA program at UCLA.

The Producer is Heather Yzaguirre who graduated from Florida State University, currently resides in Seoul, and just finished producing the feature film AMISS.

The phone number is  010-6472-8062