A Korean Crime Story

Idris 2024.07.17 22:15:43 제작: Terrell Holden 작품 제목: A Korean Crime Story 감독: Terrell Holden 극중배역: Transgender Female 20s to 30s 촬영기간: July 2025 출연료: 회차당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 모집인원: 모집성별: 여자 담당자: Terrell Holden 전화번호: 847-809-3707 이메일: zombietrouble@yahoo.com 모집 마감일: 2024-08-31

"A Korean Crime Story." It's about an American private investigator Cliff Donald who works in Seoul and is hired to follow a mob boss's mistress. However, what starts as a routine case plunges him into a sinister world of murder and betrayal.  The screenplay is still in development.


The character In Ah is a transgender woman in a romantic relationship with a successful lawyer who refuses to leave his wife, causing conflict in the relationship.

In Ah also assists her sister in escaping a dangerous situation involving a mob boss by providing her with weapons to defend herself.


The actress needs to feel comfortable speaking English.


Filming Location:  Seoul

Travel and food will be paid for.