25,26 of June web movie, foreign actor (additional recruitment)(여자만/한국인가능)

iggy 2024.06.07 23:48:30 제작: mua 작품 제목: not yet 감독: j 극중배역: 엘리나 촬영기간: 6월 25,26일 2회차 출연료: 작품당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 모집인원: 1 모집성별: 여자 담당자: j 전화번호: 이메일: 0425mua@gmail.com 모집 마감일: 2024-06-11




Hello, we are looking for an actor for a web series to post on YouTube that feels like a movie.

*Designations may be terminated early


Introduction to the production company





The story of a woman who loves her roommate so much is blinded by jealousy and hypnotizes her, and her ex-boyfriend gets her lover back



a hypnotist








Movies <eternal sunshine>


<I saw the Tv glow>




Email : 0425mua@gmail.com

title : elia/Name/Phone Number

Under the title,

profile, Instagram, (if any), portfolio acting **link**, current photo



1) Filming area: Seoul and the region as pension is discussed

2) Shooting schedule: 25,26of june

3) Pay: Consultation


[Recruitment role]

*Apply for someone who feels like your age

I think those who are good at acting and those who watch a lot of movies will be able to communicate

*We have about three rehearsals before shooting




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