Short Film Casting Call Adult Actor (Male, Female) Child Actor (Male, Female)

gotohyel 2024.07.04 15:09:01 제작: 신혜리 작품 제목: <PAPER BOATS & LADY BUGS> 감독: 박여빈 극중배역: 아버지, 어머니 (30대 중후반), 소년(8~9살) 소녀(6~7살) 촬영기간: 8월 말 주말 2회차 출연료: 차후 개별협의 모집인원: 4 모집성별: 남자, 여자 담당자: 신혜리 PD 전화번호: 이메일: 모집 마감일: 2024-07-31

개인 단편영화 <PAPER BOATS & LADY BUGS>에서 외국인 배우 성인 (남1, 여1) 아동 배우 (남1, 여1) 구합니다.

현재 시나리오는 픽스되었고, 로케이션 헌팅과 콘티 작업 중에 있습니다. 

한국에 거주하고 계시는 외국인이셔야 하고, 8월 말에 촬영이 가능하신 분 메일로 지원 부탁드립니다! 


We are looking for one male adult actor, one female adult actor, one female child actor, and one male child actor to act in our independent film titled "Paperboats & Ladybugs." All actors and actresses must be Western, reside in Korea, and speak English FLUENTLY. We are planning to shoot in August. 

The script and scenario are fixed, and we are currently location scouting and working on the storyboard. 

Regarding the ages for the character descriptions below, we can make some exceptions for the characters of 'Ricky' and 'Mila,' meaning the assigned ages do not have to be exact. 

Please send us an email if you're interested!

Thank you so much.



Logline : Two children spend their days making and floating paper boats, blissfully oblivious to the rising tensions between their parents at home, until…



Mila Brown, age 7, is somewhat precocious. She likes to believe that her self-projected sense of maturity compensates for her young age. She has an affinity for pretty language and metaphors.

Ricky Brown, age 9, is attuned to the world around him and sensitive to details that may seem trivial to others, but it doesn’t work to his disadvantage. He never tries to assert dominance over Mila, allowing the two to maintain a healthy relationship. 

Mr. Brown (in his late thirties or early forties) can be bad-tempered and heartless sometimes. Unfortunately, he is entirely oblivious to the fact that Mrs. Brown is preparing divorce papers. 

Mrs. Brown (in her late thirties or early forties) is reserved. She has sharp cold eyes that turn mellow whenever she’s with her children, revealing her soft spot for loved ones.