2024.03.27 11:22:18
출생년도: 2002
전화번호: 010-7367-9581
홈페이지: http://Shinyeonseul02 (instagram)
신장: 160
체중: 41
특기: Acting, modeling
주요경력: 외국인 모델/배우 :
- EXTRA for different dramas and movies.
-Model for several clothes brands.
-Image Role for movies and series (spy, student, business women)
-Model 3 times for Samsung
-Youtube Channel apparition
-Extra for kpop music video clip
Hello, my name is Yeonseul. I live in Namyangju, Korea.
I was a model in France for 5 years and then I came here.
I love to act, play piano, learn languages (I speak 6 languages)
I like to make videos, funny or about Korean life and beauty.