영 화 <영웅들의눈물>에서 미국연기자 3명 긴급모집합니다

KmstarEnt 2021.07.08 14:27:48 제작: It's a movie about the joys and sorrows of Vietnam. 작품 제목: Tears of Heroes 감독: Jang Tae-ryeong 극중배역: American actor 촬영기간: In July 출연료: 회차당 40만원~ 50만원 협의 모집인원: Three people 모집성별: 남자 담당자: Jang Tae-ryeong 전화번호: 010-3193-0476 이메일: jkj9896@naver.com 모집 마감일: 2021-07-15


ComMercial Filming a movie(Scheduled release date  2022)

Production Topic:It's a Movie About The Joys And Sorrows Of Vietnam.

Produced by K.M.Star Entertainment(Chairman Jeon Geum-ju)

Director: Jang Tae-ryeong

Title: Tears of Heroes.

Please apply for the audition.

Please give me your profile PPT by mail and I will contact you after reviewing it.See you at the audition.