배우 모집 : 장편 상업영화
1,951 개

영화를 만드는 사람과 영화에 나올 사람을 직접 연결해주는 공간입니다.
이곳의 게시물들에 대해서 필커는 아무것도 보증하지 않고 책임지지 않습니다.
충분한 정보를 얻고 신뢰할만 하다는 판단이 될때만 지원하시기 권합니다.

Looking for the Hero of the Musical Movie “K-School”

강컨 강컨
2020년 09월 04일 21시 16분 09초 2052 1
작품 제목 K-School 
감독 KIM Young-ho 
극중배역 Ray(Main character) 
촬영기간 October~November 2020/7th filming 
출연료 회차당 20만원~ 30만원 협의 
모집성별 남자 
담당자 KWON Sechang PD 
이메일 개인정보 보호를 위해 로그인한 회원에게만 보입니다.
모집 마감일 2020-09-20 

The World's First 8K UHD Musical Movie "K-School" is a youth romance that the dreams, love and friendship of the Millennial generation the background of a fashion school.

There are four main characters.

K-pop girl group WJSN's DAWON, APRIL's Yena and boy group Great Guy's Uiyeon have been cast.


We're looking for the other main character, Ray.

Ray(20 yrs) is the hottest fashion model in Korea with fandom around the world.

If you are eligible for the following  (Qualification of application), please challenge yourself for the role of Ray.


*Qualification of Application

- Gender : Male  

- Age : 19 ~ 28 yrs

- Height : Over 180cm

- Talents : Acting, singing, dancing

- Nationality : If you can speak & read Korean language, your nationality is irrelevant.


*How to Apply

- Please send your application & video to the following email address.

- Email : kangcontents@gmail.com

- Application : Download & fill out the attached application. <File name : Your name_application>

- Apply video : Within 10 minutes mp4 video (Self-introduction, free acting, singing and dancing) - Please using(say) Korean language.


*Notice of the result

After reviewing the application & video you sent, we  will contact the second screening person individually.


강 컨텐츠

1 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
2020.09.16 10:40
are you looking for Korean or foreigner?
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