TITLE: [Help Girl Vs. Jury Fury: Christmas Eve of Justice].
RUN TIME: 10 minutes or less
SHOOTING DATE: February 8th (+9th)
HELP GIRL: A young, compassionate local crimefighter.
Looking for comedic timing and dramatic presence.
Perferably short.
JURY FURY: A merciless local vigilante waging a one man war against crime. Looking for big and intimidating. 6 feet minimum.
TOBY: A zoophile. Attempted animal SA-er. Pathetic vibe required.
BUNNY: A bunny.
-150,000 KRW for lead roles.
-100,000 KRW for TOBY.
-50,000 KRW for BUNNY.
This is a dark, violent Christmas comedy set in a single confined space. Expect to see some fake blood.
If you're interested, please send your resume to:
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